Kevin Coughlin of Cuyahoga Falls, represented Summit County in the Ohio Senate 2001-2011. He served in the Ohio House of Representatives from 1997-2001.
He is planning to run for US Senate in Ohio against Sherrod Brown next year.
Come and listen to Kevin outline his thoughts about current federal policies and his plans if he unseats Sherrod Brown.
Kevin was twice elected as an across-the-board conservative in a Senate district where Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1.
Currently a small business owner, Coughlin’s firm Lexington Strategic offers strategic planning, public policy and management services to corporations and non-profits.
Don't miss this opportunity to talk with and question a Senate candidate!
LOCATION: This meeting will take place at Lakeland Community College in Room T-129.
Follow this link for a map of the campus showing where the T Building is located: http://files.meetup.c...
(The T building is marked in Red with parking indicted in green. Handicap parking is permitted in the blue areas.)
Follow this link for a map of the rooms in the T Building: http://files.meetup.c...
There is a $2 Meeting Room Fee. This fee is waived for Active Members who have paid their yearly dues, college students with an ID and children 17.