Friday, September 30, 2011

Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan Lying SB 5 at Columbus Meeting

Watch the video below that Andrew Breitbart's group captured showing Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan lying to firefighters about SB 5:



And from Andrew Breitbart’s website Big Journalism is this about the video:

When he’s not busy encouraging Massachusetts voters to commit voter fraud to “keep these bastards out,” or condemning “tea party rhetoric” for not “rising to the president’s challenge on tone” while calling Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut,” MSNBC’s Ed Schultz indulges his hobby of swooping into states like Wisconsin and Ohio, becoming an overnight expert on legislation he is only familiar with from having skimmed through SEIU-furnished Cliffs Notes, calling the legislation “racist” while cheerleading union rallies with applause-cuing platitudes, waving his arms in solidarity and then peacing out.

Schultz made a recent visit to Columbus, Ohio in which he had Congressman Tim Ryan (whom I had interviewed hours prior about Senate Bill 5’s alleged confiscation of safety equipment) and Senator Sherrod Brown on the show against a backdrop of union firefighters to whom, during commercial breaks, Schultz yelled that SB 5 “makes me believe Jimmy Hoffa even more that they are sons of bitches!” Throughout the broadcast Schultz and his guests parroted the manufactured mantra that the bill takes away safety equipment, perhaps almost enough times to make it true.

Here’s the link:


Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Money Hole

John Stossel did a great report called the “Money Hole” and it addresses the very specific, very real effects in towns from excessive spending and not heeding the warnings for necessary reforms.

Public employee unions are addressed in this video making it quite relevant to the SB5 debate happening today.

Get your friends together for a drink and a bite to eat one night and watch this video – this kind of common sense approach to our fiscal crisis will be well received. Then – engage them on the issues this November to help curb the problem. Especially Issue 3!! It effects so much of our future!

It is that important, and it really hits home. Enjoy!

Note: If you don’t watch John Stossel, you are missing arguably the best show on television.

H/T: Chris Littelton

Sunday, September 11, 2011