With the debate over the Catholic Church's reaction to the Obama Administration's healthcare mandate making front page news for the past two weeks, the topic of "Faith in America" is in the spotlight. So, the very curious Blaze editorial staff wants to learn more about YOU and your faith. Take our new URTAK poll on Faith and the role that God plays in your life HERE.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Candidate’s Night
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 7 PM
Lakeland Community College, Room T-129
Candidates who will be appearing on the March 6th Primary ballot have been invited to come and introduce themselves and tell us why they are running.
The following candidates have accepted and will participate:
David Macko, Libertarian candidate for US House, District 14
Donna Glisman, Republican candidate for US Senate
David Fiebig, Republican candidate for Lake County Commissioner
Emilee Teresczuk, Republican candidate for Lake County Clerk of Courts
John Hamercheck, Republican candidate for Lake County Commissioner
Jason Wuliger, Republican candidate for Lake County Recorder
Eric LaMont Gregory, Republican candidate for US Senate
Richard Shreve, Republican candidate for Lake County Commissioner
Linda Burhenne, Republican candidate for Lake County Commissioner
Bob Patterson, Republican Candidate for Lake County Treasurer
Ted Andrzejewski, Democratic candidate for Lake County Commissioner
Stephen Emmert, Republican candidate for State Central Committee, 25th District
LOCATION: This meeting will take place at Lakeland Community College in Room T-129.
Follow this link for a map of the campus showing where the T Building is located: http://files.meetup.com/1419069/Campus_Map-T.pdf
(The T building is marked in Red with parking indicted in green. Handicap parking is permitted in the blue areas.)
Follow this link for a map of the rooms in the T Building: http://files.meetup.com/1419069/Campus_Map-...
There is a $2 Meeting Room Fee. This fee is waived for Active Members who have paid their yearly dues, college students with an ID and children under 17.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
If you missed it at the Super Bowl half time, here it is again. Everybody’s talking about it…
(Or, if you just want to watch it over and over again!)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
America is worth fighting for, and so are our families.
On Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. (local) in more than 450 major movie theaters, audiences will come together for a live, one-night only theatrical event called MONUMENTAL: IN SEARCH OF AMERICA¹S NATIONAL TREASURE, hosted by Kirk Cameron.
Join us on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at our Mentor 9-12 Project meeting to learn more. Details here.
Watch this exciting trailer.