Monday, March 26, 2012

Prayer Request

From our Prayer Request Team:


Pray for the justices of the Supreme Court this week.  I'm sure we all know how important this week is for these justices.  I would especially ask for prayers for Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy.  Both of these men are likely to swing the vote of the court one way or the other.

Let us pray:

O God in Heaven, help the men and women of the Supreme Court of the United States of America to judge rightly according to Your righteous judgments and according to the original intent of the Constitution our founding fathers gave us.  Fill the court with Your Holy Spirit and banish confusion, ungodliness and strife.  Give the attorneys articulate speech.  Give the justices discerning minds.

We ask Your forgiveness for taking our freedoms for granted and not cherishing them as we should have done.  We are heartily sorry and pledge to work hard to preserve them, by Your grace, that our children and grandchildren may live in peace and freedom and worship You without fear.

Hear us, we pray, in Jesus' name


Monday, March 12, 2012

Bill Maher: Obama's Million Dollar Man

As recently as March 1st Bill Burton, cofounder of Priorities USA Action SuperPAC, was promoting the views of a donor who referred to women in violent, hateful and derogatory ways. Today, we call on Mr. Burton to follow President Obama's lead and reject this language and messenger.