Efforts are being made right now to combine the 12 Northeast Ohio counties (Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Ashtabula, Portage, Summit, Trumbull, Mahoning, Medina, Wayne, Loraine and Stark) into one region overseen by appointed (unelected) councils.... Once appointed, taxpayers are unable to remove these councils through elections. These councils will control land use, housing, transportation, water and energy and we need your help to resist regionalism in Northeast Ohio.
This petition is specifically targeting NEOSCC and their current efforts to force regionalism on us here in Northeast Ohio. This is Agenda 21, this is the same thing that happened in Des Moines that Dave Frost spoke to us about during his presentation last year, and so far they are on target to start implementing the plan beginning 2014. We need to act fast if we have any hope of stopping this as we are quickly nearing the end of their planning phase.
We (Dave Frost, Skip Claypool, Bev Goldstein, Loisirene Bernhardt, Patty Gascoyne, and I) are planning a forum in August (date and location to be announced soon) where we will directly confront NEOSCC, the four Metropolitan Planning Organizations in NE Ohio, and elected officials from these 12 targeted counties. At www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/stopneoscc, not only can you sign the petition but you can also make a donation if you would like to help us fund the forum (please!), including room rental fee (the facility can accommodate up to 600 people), content development, printed materials, etc. This is the definition of grassroots effort, and without funding help, the costs associated with the forum will be coming directly out of our skinny little pockets.
At the forum we will have a presentation bringing to light the real dangers of Regionalism, which will include Agenda 21, and we will be providing each NEOSCC board member, MPO board member, and elected official a copy of this petition and all the signatures we are able to collect. We hope to be joined by hundreds of our fellow patriots so not only will they see the petition signatures, but they will have to look hundreds of us in the eye. There is strength in numbers and we need to show them just how many of us know what they're doing and are willing to stand against it. We will announce details of the forum as soon as we have confirmed the date and location and hope to see everyone there!
They are bragging that they have had 589 participants at their workshops (not all in agreement I will point out), and somehow trying to claim that those people who participated are a representative cross-section of the over 4,000,000 residents of the 12 NE Ohio counties, and therefore they have the support of the citizens for their regional plan. Well, we are hoping to gather so many signatures that we blow their 589 number out of the water! One of the major themes with implementing Agenda 21 is that it has to appear to be a collaborative effort with the citizens, which is why this petition and forum are so important. We want to make it known, under no uncertain terms, that they do not have the blessing of the people in Northeast Ohio and if they are going to push it, they are knowingly doing so without our consent.
This IS our opportunity to unite as freedom loving Americans, regardless of what group we belong to and even, dare I say, what political party we are affiliated. This is truly a bipartisan (multi-partisan?) issue against which we can all unite. If you care about individual freedom, your right to own property, your right to decide where you live, in what kind of home, on how much land, please sign our petition, make a donation if you can, then forward this to everyone you know who also cares about these things, republican, democrat, independent, blue, red, purple, orange, etc....
We need your help, Northeast Ohio needs your help!
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