Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Euthanasia Deaths in Holland Rise 13 Percent

"I am sure that the increase in numbers of people opting for euthanasia is largely a result of inadequate pain control," Bowman told the Daily Telegraph.

Inadequate pain control in 2010? What it means is fewer facilities, fewer health professionals willing to provide palliative care. It is said elsewhere in article.

The culture of death has permeated the consciences of so many that is is getting easier to have a mindset of, “Just let him suffer, when it gets bad enough he’ll be begging us to put him out of his misery. It will save us time, trouble and money.”

“…a government official who was instrumental in getting the law passed, told the author of a book on euthanasia that "more should have been done legally to protect people who wanted to die natural deaths," the Daily Mail reported.”

Ya think? A little late. Pro-life people tried. The culture of death was too powerful.

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